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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Au Contraire, Mademoiselle...

Rani a young lawyer on the brink of womanhood, discovers herself as her story unfolds. It is intertwined with her college friends, her colleagues and her cases. Be it a talking parrot or the ever present father figure, or the elusive love, they all play a part in her life until in the end a bizarre truth is revealed.
What is that truth?
What impact will it cause in Rani's life?
We'll go through the book and find out the answer to all your questions.

My Views-
1) The story is beautifully penned with each word seeking like it's authors own story.
2) The college life sequences and events, especially the introduction of  abhinav (page 17), the part which is written in hindi is hilarious and emotional at the same time.
The same lines when abhinav said in english "And yes I am proud of my school, my heritage, my village. My father is a simple, illiterate, small time farmer, but i am proud of my father and extremely proud to be his son", can bring tears to eyes.
3) Few instances in the book reminded me of my college days-
"She had often caught him gazing at her intently, not in the curious intrusive manner like others, it was a steadfast acknowledgement of her existence which he seemed to cherish for some odd reason. (pg-30).
4) the courtroom drama is right on the edge, engaging and nice to read. (perks of being a law graduate).
"Being an unmarried woman in search of a place to stay, brought its own challenges and limitations of "choice". Rani, as a protagonist comes across a strong and fearless character that is refreshingly different.
5) The Cases are dramatic and insightful, revealing glimpses of rani as she struggles to establish herself as a lawyer beautifully interwoven with her love life.

*There are numerous instances like this which will make your mood light.
* Everything was going smooth, but the end is totally unexpected and will leave you in shock.
* The end is where the title in french becomes more important.
A nice book to recommend everyone especially if you are a kindle person.

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